
Purple Ribbon Beef

Purple Ribbon Beef is dedicated to providing premium beef to your table.  Our beef tastes better because we pay attention to the little details as every animal is born on our farm and in our care until we deliver them to the local processor. All the animals have corn-fed diet which results in a more tender and tastier beef. In addition, when the beef is processed it is dry-aged 10-14 days. The dry-aged process allows the beef to increase in tenderness and a more beefy flavor than compared to the beef in grocery stores that is not dry-aged.

New Winter Store Hours Thursday Closed, Friday 1:00-5:30 and Saturday 9:00-2:00; Shipping Nationwide Mondays

Arm Roast on the Smoker

Arm Roast on the Smoker

Arm Roast on the Smoker 

Looking for a delicious and easy meal to make on your smoker or pellet grill? Look no further than arm roast! This hearty cut of meat is perfect for slow cooking, and it comes out incredibly tender and flavorful. Plus, it's super easy to prepare. Just season your roast with your favorite spices, smoke it for a few hours, and then enjoy!


Let us know when you try it in the comments! 





* 1 boneless arm roast
* Lawry's seasoning salt
* coarse ground pepper
* Meat Church Holy Cow Seasoning


1. Thaw your roast
2. Season the roast with coarse ground pepper, Meat Church Holy Cow Seasoning.
3. Let sit for 1 hour at room temperature to allow seasoning to adhere
4. Preheat your smoker or pellet grill to180 degrees Fahrenheit on smoke
5. Place the roast in the smoker or pellet grill and cook until the internal temperature reaches 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
6. Turn the smoker or pellet grill up to 300 degrees Farenheit
7. Cook roast until the internal temperature is 125-130 degrees Fahrenheit
8. Remove from the grill and let rest under a foil tent for 20 minutes
9. Slice the meat and enjoy
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