
Purple Ribbon Beef

Purple Ribbon Beef is dedicated to providing premium beef to your table.  Our beef tastes better because we pay attention to the little details as every animal is born on our farm and in our care until we deliver them to the local processor. All the animals have corn-fed diet which results in a more tender and tastier beef. In addition, when the beef is processed it is dry-aged 10-14 days. The dry-aged process allows the beef to increase in tenderness and a more beefy flavor than compared to the beef in grocery stores that is not dry-aged.

New Winter Store Hours Thursday Closed, Friday 1:00-5:30 and Saturday 9:00-2:00; Shipping Nationwide Mondays

Freezer Beef

Freezer Beef Pricing & General Information

​Family-Owned Premium Beef 

Purchasing freezer beef is a smart decision for families. The freezer beef you purchase from Purple Ribbon Beef is high quality, locally raised, and more flavorful than beef purchased at the grocery store. Our beef tastes better, because the cattle are corn-fed. A corn-fed diet results in a more tender and tastier beef. In addition, when the beef is processed, it is dry-aged for about 21 days. The dry-aging process allows the beef to increase in tenderness and results in a more beefy flavor compared to the beef in grocery stores. Buy premium Iowa bulk beef from Purple Ribbon Beef today!

Compare How Much Beef Costs 

Item Whole Beef
(Avg Hanging Wt 800lbs)
Half Beef
(Avg Hanging Wt 400lbs)
Quarter Beef
(Avg Hanging Wt 200lbs)
Hanging Weight 800 400 200
Hanging Weight Cost $2600 $1300 $650
Processing Cost $1200 $600 $300
Total Cost $3800 $1900 $950
Take Home Meat 560 lbs 280 lbs 140 lbs
Total Cost Per Pound $6.78/lb $6.78/lb $6.78/lb



 Reservations Waitlist

We currently have openings for freezer beef. We process beef once a month. If you would like to be placed on our reservation list, please contact us. Reservations are first come first served. Prices are subject to change.


How Much Beef Do I Get?

Item Whole Beef
(Avg Hanging Wt 800lbs)
Half Beef
(Avg Hanging Wt 400lbs)
Quarter Beef
(Avg Hanging Wt 200lbs)
Ribeye* 32 16 8
New York Strips* 28 14 7
Filets* 28 14 7
Flat Irons* 20 10 5
Sirloins* 26 10 5
Brisket 2 1 0
Roasts(Rump, Arm,
16 8 4
Ground Beef (pounds) 185 125


*Steaks cut about an inch thick


About the Cattle

What is the breed of cattle on your farm?


The cattle are Angus and Simmental based.

How are the cattle fed and cared for?


The cattle eat a diet of corn, hay or grass, and additional mineral supplements. A corn-fed diet results in a more tender and tastier beef. The steers have access to a barn year-round. We are highly committed to quality assurance, environmental stewardship, animal welfare, and sustainable farming practices.

Why is Purple Ribbon Beef Higher Quality?


The freezer beef you purchase from Purple Ribbon Beef is of high quality, locally raised, and more flavorful than beef purchased at the grocery store. Our beef tastes better because the cattle are corn-fed. A corn-fed diet results in a more tender and tastier beef.


Whom do I pay?


You will pay Purple Ribbon Beef for the beef and you will pay the processor for the processing.

Once beef is delivered to the processing facility, when can I pick up my order?


Between 2-3 weeks. The beef will hang for approximately 14 days before it is processed into the cuts you want. Then the beef will be frozen solid.

What is the age of the steer at processing time?


14-20 months.

How does dry-aged processing improve flavor?


When the beef is processed it is dry-aged 10-14 days. The dry-aged process allows the beef to increase in tenderness and a more beefy flavor than compared to the beef in grocery stores that is not dry-aged.

How often is beef processed?


We are processing once a month.

If you would like to be placed on our reservation list please email us at  You will be placed on a first come first served list.  Prices are subject to change.

Freezer Beef (Bulk)

How many pounds of beef will I receive?


½ Beef carcass weighs about 400 Lbs. of beef

A whole beef will yield about 800 Lbs. of beef.

*While beef is dry aged about 2% shrinkage will occur with your meat. Also, some bones and extra fat are removed during processing. Typically, about 35-50% is "thrown away" meaning bones and fat are removed when the processor begins cutting the carcass. This 35-50% is referred to as a cutting loss.

How much freezer space do I need?


One cubic foot of freezer space will hold approximately 30 Lbs. of beef.

½ Beef ~13-14 Cubic Ft. of Freezer Space

How long will the beef last in the freezer?


Approximately one year.

Purchase Beef

Can I purchase individual cuts of beef?


Yes! Steaks, ground beef, burger patties, all beef skinless brats, beef sticks, beef summer sausage and beef jerky will be available for purchase directly from Purple Ribbon Beef.
Shop Here

Do you deliver beef to customers?


We will coordinate delivery of the freezer beef. For individual cuts we do offer nationwide shipping.

How do I know which beef cuts are best for my family?


We will be happy to help you decide which beef cuts you will enjoy the most. You will also place your order directly with the processor who is very knowledgeable and a great resource.  

We have also provided this great resource on beef cuts and how they are best cooked as you will only want to get cuts your family will enjoy.  (Beef Cuts Resource from Beef Check Off)  

What is the smallest amount I can order?


The smallest amount you can order is ¼ beef. Or you can purchase individual cuts or bundles from our online store.
Shop here!


Shipping Information


We currently are shipping nationwide! We will ship every week on Monday or Tuesday. Orders will come via Speedy Delivery or UPS. All orders will need to be under 22lbs. If your order is over, please contact us directly for a shipping estimate.

Delivery Information


We currently are delivering within 60 miles of Clarion. We have regularly scheduled times to Ames and Clear Lake. For more information contact us directly.

Pick Up


We offer free pickup at Purple Ribbon General Store Thursdays and Saturdays. Other special arrangements can be made as well if you contact us directly.

Purple Ribbon General Store is located at 1119 Central Ave E; Clarion, Iowa 50525

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