
Purple Ribbon Beef

Purple Ribbon Beef is dedicated to providing premium beef to your table.  Our beef tastes better because we pay attention to the little details as every animal is born on our farm and in our care until we deliver them to the local processor. All the animals have corn-fed diet which results in a more tender and tastier beef. In addition, when the beef is processed it is dry-aged 10-14 days. The dry-aged process allows the beef to increase in tenderness and a more beefy flavor than compared to the beef in grocery stores that is not dry-aged.

New Winter Store Hours Thursday Closed, Friday 1:00-5:30 and Saturday 9:00-2:00; Shipping Nationwide Mondays

Ames Main Street Holiday Farmers Market

Ames Main Street Holiday Farmers Market

Ames Main Street Holiday Farmers Market

When: Saturday, November 18
            10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Where: Sweet Caroline's Kitchen & Cocktails
            Ames, IA
Shop Ahead:  Use Code AMESMARKET at check out to order ahead and pick up
your order on Saturdays. Order by 4pm on Friday to guarantee pick up Saturday
Join all your favorite Ames Main Street Farmers Market Vendors for an indoor market right before Thanksgiving to stock up for the holiday and also start your holiday shopping! We will be fully stocked with all your favorite beef cuts, have holiday boxes and come check out all the other amazing vendors at Sweet Caroline's Kitchen! 
This event is open to the public. There will be plenty of food, fun and shopping for everyone to enjoy the bounty of the locally grown produce, premium beef delicious baked goods and beautifully hand crafted items.

Pro Tips:
-Bring Cash
-Bring your own Bags
-Located in Sweet Caroline's Kitchen & Cocktails
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