
Purple Ribbon Beef

Purple Ribbon Beef is dedicated to providing premium beef to your table.  Our beef tastes better because we pay attention to the little details as every animal is born on our farm and in our care until we deliver them to the local processor. All the animals have corn-fed diet which results in a more tender and tastier beef. In addition, when the beef is processed it is dry-aged 10-14 days. The dry-aged process allows the beef to increase in tenderness and a more beefy flavor than compared to the beef in grocery stores that is not dry-aged.

New Winter Store Hours Thursday Closed, Friday 1:00-5:30 and Saturday 9:00-2:00; Shipping Nationwide Mondays

Clear Lake Farmers Market

Clear Lake Farmers Market

The Clear Lake Farmers Market is held from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM on Saturday mornings, May 15th through October 16th 2021.
There are are a large variety of vendors to shop each Saturday. You’ll see produce, baked goods, meat options, honey, handmade and crafted items such a jewelry, towels and delicious snacks like kettle corn and lemonade.
New this year is a centralized SNAP machine. You swipe to get tokens to shop the market. And DUFBs; Double Up Food Bucks to increase your food budget!
Shop online with Curbside Market of North Iowa. Curbside pickup options!
Join us each Saturday for a great market experience! You’ll love it.
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